Personal Estate and Business Planning

Business Succession Plans

A Business Succession Plan outlines a business owner’s wishes for what will happen to a business in the event of the owner’s death or incapacity. It typically includes details about who will take over the business, how ownership will be t… Read More

Will and Trust Design Meeting

A Will Design Meeting or a Trust Design Meeting is a 2-hour working session where we examine your personal assets and, together, design a plan that ensures your wishes will be carried out and enforced. Read More

Last Will and Testament

Your Will is one of the most important documents in your estate planning portfolio. It gives instructions to your loved ones on how you want your assets distributed and debts settled after you die. We also ensure that your Will is reviewed periodical… Read More


A trust is another effective estate planning tool. It is a legal arrangement whereby you will transfer assets, such as property, to a trustee who will manage the assets for the benefit of the trust’s beneficiaries. Read More

Declarations of Guardian

A Declaration of Guardian ensure that your minor children will be cared for by someone they trust if you are no longer able to do so yourself. In the absence of a declaration of guardian, a court will appoint a guardian based on the law, which may no… Read More

Powers of Attorney

Limited General, Medical, Financial A power of attorney allows you to designate an agent to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so. This document remains effective when you are alive and can be extremely helpful in the event of i… Read More


Probate is a required legal procedure that occurs after an individual’s passing. During this process, the personal representative of the estate must present the beneficiaries, assets, and debts to the court. While probate can be an uncomfortable an… Read More

Contentious Probates

A contentious probate is a legal dispute or contest over the validity of a Will or the administration of an estate. These types of disputes can arise when there are questions about the authenticity of the Will, the mental capacity of the deceased per… Read More